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The Rover Boys In The Mountains; Or, A Hunt for Fun and Fortune Page 7
The Rover Boys In The Mountains; Or, A Hunt for Fun and Fortune Read online
Page 7
Dick had not intended that the cane should hit him. He was prepared tododge. But he wanted to make certain that Jasper Grinder would reallytry to carry out his ill-advised threat.
"Hi! give me that cane!" cried the schoolmaster, as he whirled around.
"I shall not," answered Tom, and began to run down one of the aisles tothe door.
Instantly Jasper Grinder made after him. But the boys had gathered in acrowd, and it was with difficulty that the man could get through.
As Tom ran for one door Dick ran for another, and it was not long beforeboth met in a hallway leading to the mess hall and the dormitories.
"Dick, what shall we do next?" questioned Tom. "We can't stay here,that's certain."
"We'll get out," answered Dick. "I think Mrs. Stanhope will keep us allnight."
"And if she won't, I know the Lanings will," said Tom, with a grin.
"We must let Sam know," went on Dick. "He can go along. I shan't comeback until Captain Putnam returns."
"Right you are."
Up the stairs they rushed, and into the dormitory where Sam and Tubbswere in hiding.
"Sam!" called Dick, and the youngest Rover at once appeared.
"What's up now? What are you in such a hurry for?"
"Get your overcoat and hat, and come on. We are going to the Stanhopesfor the night. Here, Tubbs, is some supper," and Dick passed over whathe had in the napkins, while Tom did the same.
"Thanks," said the rich boy. "But--but must I stay here alone?"
"I don't think we can take you along," answered Dick. "But you want tobe careful. Old Grinder is as mad as a hornet. He was going to cane mefor helping you two. Come, Sam, there is no time to waste. Tubbs, youhad better let Fred Garrison know where you are. He's all right."
In a moment more Dick, Tom, and Sam were in their own room and puttingon their heavy overcoats and their hats. They lost no time, and as theyheard Jasper Grinder coming up one flight of stairs they ran downanother pair leading into the kitchen.
Here the servants, directed by Mrs. Green, were putting away what wasleft of the students' supper.
"Oh, dear!" burst out the matron, on catching sight of the boys. "Whatdo you want here?"
"Good-by, Mrs. Green," said Dick. "Tell the captain when he comes thatwe were driven away from the school by Mr. Grinder, and that we'llreturn as soon as we learn that he is back." And before the housekeepercould answer they opened the kitchen door and ran outside.
It was a dark night and the air was filled with snow, some of which wasalready sifting lazily downward. But they knew the way well, so the wantof light did hot bother them. They crossed the parade ground on a runand made directly for the road leading to the Stanhopes' cottage.
"I reckon it will be quite a surprise for Mrs. Stanhope and Dora," saidTom, after they had told Sam of what had happened in the school-room."They won't be looking for us."
"I know they'll treat us well," said Dick.
"To be sure they will--especially after all we did for them on theLakes," put in Sam. "But let me tell you, I am curious to know how thisthing is going to end."
"I think Mr. Grinder will get the worst of it," returned Tomconfidently. "He must know he was doing wrong to put you in that icystoreroom and poor Tubbs in the stone cell. How did you make out withTubbs in the closet?"
"Oh, he became quite friendly, and we decided to let the past drop. Ipromised I wouldn't call him Tubby any more."
"That's fair," came from Dick. "He isn't such a bad sort."
On and on hurried the boys. The road was a somewhat lonely one, withseveral patches of woods to be passed. Several times they halted,endeavoring to ascertain if they were being pursued. But all remainedsilent. The snow was now coming down more thickly than ever.
"What a lot of adventures we have had in these woods," observed Tom,during one of the halts. "Don't you remember the tramp who stole thewatch, and the rows with Josiah Crabtree and with Arnold Baxter andDan?"
"Indeed I do," said Sam. "Mrs. Stanhope and Dora must be glad to be ridof old Crabtree and Arnold Baxter."
"It's a pity Dan Baxter wasn't locked up with his father," said Dick."Don't you remember how he used to bother Dora and the Laning girls?"
"Do you think he'd bother them now?" asked Sam. "If he bothers GraceLaning he had better look out for me."
"That's right, Sam, stand up for your own particular girl----" beganTom.
"I didn't say she was my girl," cried Sam, and he was glad that thedarkness hid his red-growing face. "I'm no more sweet on her than youare on her sister Nellie."
"It's Dick who must lead off, with Dora Stanhope----" went on Tom.
"Oh, stow it, and come on!" burst in Dick. "If you keep on talkingyou'll surely be caught. Grinder may be coming after us in a carriage."
"If we had our bicycles we could get there in no time," said Sam.
"Yes, and we might break our necks in the dark," added Dick. "Come, wehaven't more than a mile further to go."
On the three trudged, through the snow, which was coming down fastereach instant. Once they thought they heard carriage wheels behind them,but soon the sounds faded away in the distance.
At last they came in sight of the Stanhope cottage. A bright light wasstreaming from the sitting-room windows, and looking in they saw Dorasitting at the table reading a book, and Mrs. Stanhope restingcomfortably in an easy-chair in front of the bright-burning fire.
Dora herself came to the door in answer to their ring. "Why, mamma, it'sthe Rovers!" she cried, as she shook hands, "I never expected to seeyou to-night, in such a snowstorm. How kind of Captain Putnam to let youcome."
"The captain had nothing to do with it," answered Dick, as he gave herhand an extra squeeze, which he somehow thought she returned. "We camebecause we were having a lot of trouble, and didn't know what else todo."
"More trouble!" came from Mrs. Stanhope, as she also greeted them. "Iwas hoping all our troubles were a thing of the past."
"This isn't any trouble for you," answered Dick. "Excepting that itbrings trouble through your giving us shelter for the night."
"If that's the case, then let it bring trouble," put in Dora promptly."But what is it all about."
"I'll tell you presently, Dora. But in the meantime can you give Samsome supper? He hasn't had a mouthful since dinner time."
"You poor boy!" came from Mrs. Stanhope. "To be sure he shall have hissupper. I'll tell Mary to prepare it at once," and she bustled from theroom to give the servant the necessary directions, and returned at once.
Sitting down in front of the fire the three boys told their tale, Mrs.Stanhope and Dora listening with keen attention. When Dick got to thepoint where Jasper Grinder had wanted to thrash him Dora gave a scream.
"Oh, Dick, the idea! Why, he really must be crazy!"
"I believe his passion got the best of him," said the eldest Rover.
"I'm glad Tom took the cane away," went on Dora.
"It is really too bad," observed Mrs. Stanhope, when their story wasfinished. "I quite agree with you that Captain Putnam will not upholdMr. Grinder in his inhuman course. Of course you must stay hereto-night, and as long after that as you please."
It was not long before supper was ready for Sam, and when he entered thedining room Mrs. Stanhope went along, to see that he got all he desired.
"I am awfully glad you came," said Dora, in a low voice, when she wasalone with Dick and Tom. "I have something important to tell you,something I didn't wish to mention in front of mamma, for it will onlyworry her without doing any good."
"And what is it?" asked Tom and Dick, in a breath.
"I was down to Cedarville yesterday to do some shopping, and I am almostcertain that I saw Dan Baxter hanging around the hotel there."
"Dan Baxter!" ejaculated Dick.
"Hush, Dick! not so loud. Yes, Dan Baxter. He was on the hotel stoop,but the minute he saw me he went inside."
"Perhaps you
are mistaken," said Tom. "I hardly think he'd dare to showhimself here."
"At first I was uncertain about it. But when I came back that way Ilooked again, and I caught him peeping out at me from one of thebar-room windows. As soon as he saw me look he dodged out of sight."
"If Dan Baxter is in this neighborhood, he is here for no good," wasDick's blunt comment. "Evidently he has not forgiven us for helping toput his father back in jail."
"Dan Baxter is not of a forgiving nature, Dick. You must be careful, orhe will make trouble for all three of you."
"We can take care of ourselves, Dora. If only he doesn't annoy you andyour mother."
"I don't think he'll do that--now Mr. Crabtree is out of it," answeredDora, and then, as Mrs. Stanhope re-entered the room, the subject wasdropped.