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The Rover Boys on Land and Sea: The Crusoes of Seven Islands Page 28



  As Dick stepped out of the house, gun in hand, the form disappearedbehind a small clump of bushes growing not fifty feet away.

  "It's gone," he said to himself, but waited patiently, with his gunready for use.

  The clouds were increasing, making it darker than ever. Almost holdinghis breath, the youth took several steps forward. Then he waited again.

  At last the form reappeared, crouched lower than ever, so that itwas almost hidden by the rocks and low brushwood leading to thejungle. At first Dick imagined the beast, or whatever it was, wasgoing to retreat to the timber, but soon it appeared to turn back,as if to make another semicircle, this time around to the rear ofthe house.

  It must be admitted that Dick's heart thumped madly in his breast.The gun was raised and he kept his finger on the trigger. But he didnot dare to shoot until he was certain of the object of his aim.

  "I don't want to kill anybody," he reasoned. And he thought of astory he had once read of a hunter shooting his companion who hadgot the nightmare and was crawling around in his sleep. For all heknew, it might be Sam or Tom, or one of the others.

  But now came a sound which was not to be mistaken. It was a low,savage growl, followed by the rustling of a bushy tail among thebrushwood. It was a wild animal, and it was getting ready to makea leap for the boy!

  Taking aim as best he could, Dick pulled the trigger. Bang! went thefirearm, and a snarl of pain and rage rang out. Then the beast madeits leap, striking Dick in the breast and knocking him over.

  "Hullo! what's the row?" The cry came from old Jerry, who had beensleeping next to Dick. "Who fired that shot?"

  "Help!" answered Dick. "A wild beast has attacked me."

  "A wild beast!" came from several throats at once.

  "Let me get a shot," came from Tom, as he bounced out of the house,pistol in hand, followed by Sam and Captain Blossom.

  By this time Dick had gotten to his knees and was trying to fightoff the animal which had fastened its teeth in the youth's trouserleg, for the boys slept with part of their garments on them.

  "Shoot him! Hit him over the head with a club!" screamed the eldestRover. He expected every moment to have the beast fly at his throat,and he knew that that would be his death.

  Old Jerry turned back to get a pistol or a club. As he did this Tomrushed past him and up to Dick's side. Taking a hasty aim, Tomdischarged the pistol twice.

  Another growl rang out and the beast dropped back, shot through theforeshoulder and the neck. Then Tom let drive once more and the beastfell forward, shot through the left front leg.

  "Good for you, Tom!" cried Dick, as he arose.

  "What is it?" came from Captain Blossom, as he appeared with a shotgun.A shot from this finished the beast and it rolled over and over inits death agonies, and Sam finished it with a blow on the head witha big club.

  By this time the girls were crowding outside, having clothed themselveswith whatever was handiest. Torches were lit, and a ship's lantern,and all went to examine the creature.

  "It looks like a tiger," declared Tom. "Only it is not quite so large."

  "I should say it was a California puma," came from old Jerry. "He'sa bad one, too."

  "I think they call them jaguars out here," said Dick. "They all belongto the same family, you know. Some old American hunters would callit a painter."

  "Never mind what it is," said Dora, with a shudder. "I am thankfulthat it is dead."

  "You can be thankful that it didn't chew Dick up," added Tom. "Hewas in a tight corner, I can tell you that."

  "I didn't want to shoot until I was certain of what I was shootingat," answered Dick. "Then, just as I fired, the beast leaped for me.If I hadn't wounded it, it would have had me by the throat sure. Butmy shot kind of made it fall back, and it caught me by the trouser leg."

  "Are you sure you are not hurt, lad?" asked the captain.

  "Not hurt in the least," answered Dick, and all were thankful thatthis was so.

  The animal was dragged close to the cabin. It measured about fivefeet in length, regardless of the tail, and was of a dull yellowishcolor. Its teeth were long and sharp, and its face had a fierce,blood-thirsty look about it that made all the girls shiver.

  "I must confess that I am surprised to find such a beast on theseislands," said Captain Blossom. "Usually they are to be found onlyon the mainland or on large islands."

  "What I am wondering is, are there any more around?" came from Sam.

  "If there are, we'll have to be careful how we move around," put inold Jerry. "I don't want any of 'em to leap out at me from behind arock."

  "We'll have to be on the watch," said Tom. "I'm sure I don't want tofurnish any tropical tiger cat with a square meal."

  "Oh, Tom, how awful to even mention it!" cried Nellie.

  "I think I know a way to keep 'em away from the house at night," saidold Jerry.

  "How?" questioned several.

  "Keep a camp-fire burning close to the door. All wild animals hatea fire."

  "Jerry is right," said Captain Blossom. "We'll do it after this."

  "What shall we do with the beast?" asked Dick. "I don't think it isgood to eat."

  "Save the skin," said Dora. "That will surely make an elegant rug."

  "Leave the carcass until morning," said Captain Blossom. "We mustget some more sleep if we want to go to work to-morrow."

  "To-day, you mean," said Tom, looking at his watch. "It is alreadythree o'clock."

  A camp-fire was lit and then all but Jerry retired, it being agreedthat the old sailor was to turn in once more when the others arosefor breakfast. All but Dick slept soundly, but even the eldest Roverwas benefited by the additional rest.

  The first work in the morning was to skin the wild beast. This wasrather a difficult task since no one had had any experience, outsideof the Rover boys, on small game. Old Jerry said he would try a steakcut from the best part of the the animal, but when he did he said itwas too tough to eat. Then the carcass was dragged away and flunginto a hole between the rocks.

  After breakfast, the men and boys began in earnest to place the storesbrought to the beach in the cave. It was hard work getting the boxesand barrels up the incline to the mouth of the cave, and the worktook until the middle of the afternoon. Once at the entrance, thestores were speedily shifted to the chamber previously mentioned,and covered again with the tarpaulin. With the stores were placed acask of fresh water, some dry pine torches and a box of matches.Captain Blossom left a gun and some ammunition in the cave, and theRover boys added two pistols and a couple of swords taken from the ship.

  "Now we will re-arrange the entrance to the cave as it was before,"said Dick. "Then the sailors will never suspect what we have done."

  By sunset the work was over and all hands were back at the house,taking it easy. Supper was ready, but they waited hard an hour,thinking that Baxter, Lesher, and their party would put in an appearanceat any moment.

  "I reckon they aren't coming just yet," said Captain Blossom, atlength. "Let us wait no longer."

  "I'm willing," said Tom. The extra work had sharpened his appetitewonderfully.

  The evening passed quietly and soon one after another retired. Asagreed, the camp-fire was left burning, and each took his turn atremaining on guard.

  In the morning it was Dora who made an announcement that startledall of them. The girl had taken Captain Blossom's spyglass and waslooking across the bay in the direction of the wreck.

  "There are men on board of the _Golden Wave_" she announced. "I cansee them quite plainly."

  "Men on board of the wreck!" cried Dick. "Are you sure, Dora?"

  "Look for yourself, Dick."

  The youth did so and saw that Dora was right. Half a dozen figurescould be seen walking to and fro.

  "Who are they?" asked Tom. "Lesher and his crowd?"

  "That I can't make out," answered Dick, and handed over the glass tohis brother.

could see the men on the wreck, but at such a distance it wasimpossible to make out any faces.

  "Maybe they are savages," came from Grace.

  "No, they are dressed like white people," said Captain Blossom..

  "Perhaps another ship has come in!" ejaculated Tom. "If it has, weare saved!"

  "I don't see any other ship," said old Jerry.

  "It may be on the other side of yonder island," came from Sam.

  "The best thing we can do is to row over and investigate," saidCaptain Blossom. "If another ship has come in, the captain may claimthat wreck and everything on board."

  A hasty breakfast was prepared and eaten, and it was agreed that thecaptain, Dick, and old Jerry should row over to the wreck in the bestof the boats. The three were soon on the way, wondering whom theywere to meet and what sort of a reception would be tendered to them.